Above Digital Appoints Head of Design
28th January 2018
As Above Digital move towards triple figures in websites designed and startups branded we seek to become one of the fastest growing West London design agencies dedicated to startups and brands. For this to happen, Laurence Andrews has been appointed as Head of Design to ensure the continued creative evolution of the business and to welcome and guide new members into the design team.
In his new role as Head of Design Laurence will look to grow the design team whilst ensuring clients remain happy and enjoying our design led approach. Laurence will ensure Above Digital Design stays true to its roots in designing with reason and will manage all aspects of design output – from quality control to timing and budgets. These are abilities that Laurence has proven he possesses from startups to hit artists time and again over the past three years and we hope you’ll join us in welcoming him to his new position.
For examples of design and brand work Laurence has been involved in, head over to our case studies.