Go Plastic Free and BTheChange With Nu Bamboo
26th March 2018
Branding and website design for startups always appears to drop Above Digital in at the deep end of very topical issues. This time it’s the plastic free crusade.
Thanks to startup Nü’s #BTheChange campaign, we’ve spent the last few months promoting the importance of ethical production to ensure a true product ‘end of life’ is considered. End of life means businesses considering and attempting to factor in what happens to their products once used during production. This often means manufacturing sustainable, compostable products to reduce waste going to landfill. Ultimately, this goes hand in hand with going plastic free.
The campaign opened with an interactive, decision making website that educated visitors on the issues surrounding the waste we produce and solutions to reduce what goes to landfill. We challenged the user to recognise the issues around excess waste and to make the necessary change to their purchasing decisions or be damned! It ended with Above collaborating with Martin Dorey – founder of the hugely successful #2minutebeachclean campaign – on a series of articles to push out with the #BTheChange hashtag on various social media platforms.
Above Digital accompanied mind blowing figures with watermark branded, shareable images with the aim of joining up the website and ongoing social campaign. This was crucial in embedding the #BTheChange hashtag in visitors’ minds so that that this messaging would live on once the Above Digital campaign activity had ceased.
We set up a free trial of several plastic free products and continue to integrated ourselves in the online community who’ve already caused the likes of Theresa May to make statements on plastic waste reduction. Once consumers saw the amazing results of Nü’s bamboo nappies, wet wipes and women’s care products and #BTheChange was in use, our job would be done. A plastic free world thanks in part to another brilliant startup.
For more info and images from this job, check out the full case study.
To see the live website, head to www.bthechange.today